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How To Store Liquid Nitrogen In Cryogenic Storage Tanks


In industrial applications, cryogenic storage tanks are often used to store liquid nitrogen, and based on the relevant characteristics of liquid nitrogen, there are some matters that need to be paid attention to when storing in storage tanks to ensure the storage effect and safety. Cryogenic storage tanks are equipment for storing cryogenic liquids in a high degree of vacuum. In use, attention should be paid to the relevant maintenance methods to ensure that the storage function of the storage tanks can be fully utilized, and at the same time, the service life of the equipment can be extended, so as to reduce the frequency and frequency of equipment replacement by enterprises. cost. Before using a low-temperature storage tank to store a large amount of liquid nitrogen, an appropriate amount of liquid nitrogen should be injected to pre-cool the tank, and a large amount of liquid nitrogen should be filled when the temperature in the tank is determined to be at an appropriate temperature. The environment where the cryogenic storage tank is located should be kept dry and well ventilated.

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In the process of storing liquid nitrogen in the low-temperature storage tank, the number of times of opening the lid should be minimized, and at the same time, more attention should be paid to observe whether the neck plug is frozen. When the tank is damaged, it is necessary to check whether the insulation of the tank is in good condition to determine whether the tank is suitable for continued storage of liquid nitrogen. It is necessary to do a good job of marking the cryogenic storage tanks for storing liquid nitrogen, so as to know the storage situation in detail. When it is necessary to transport low-temperature storage tanks, keep the tank upright to avoid severe vibration or impact during transportation to ensure the safety and normal performance of the tank.

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